Saturday, 28 December 2013

Opportunity Knocks...

About six months ago we were having Sunday dinner Chez Bailey (our house) with our two favourite nieces and our favourite nephew, one of the nieces is a very fussy eater and she was heavily pregnant with her first child,   We got to talking about food and her terrible, terrible eating habits or lack of,  when  It suddenly occurred I had a sudden flash of something which made me suddenly ask her if she would like to learn how to cook, I really don’t know where this came from and my pleasure when she said “Yes” was immense.  We arranged to have a cookery lesson in a couple of weeks and shepherds pie was the order of the day.

When Billy and I arrived at our niece’s house on the day, we were very impressed that already she had a cookery book and was eager to get on, my immense pride in her is super increased because since that day she has had 2 dinner parties that I know of and one of them was for us, me and Billy, she served a 3 course meal cooked from scratch and it was absolutely brilliant.  I awarded her a ‘Come Dine with Me’ 9 because there is always room for improvement (I was teasing) she deserved a 10+ at least.

Not many months later she served up a Christmas dinner for at least five people and when she told me that if it wasn’t for me she wouldn’t be cooking, it was the best ever Christmas present I could have asked for.   All because instead of laughing at her, I offered her a way forward, what are Aunties for???

Tis the Season to be Jolly...............

Boxing Day at our house is always fun but this year when my 80 year old Mother in Law joined in playing Killer Darts it was the best yet.

Every year we ask out nephew and nieces to join us for fun and games, this year there was the addition of great nephew known as our Grephew, Henry and both my Mother and brother in Law joined us.  The drinks were flowing and everyone was in fine spirits and we began with a game of Hang Man upstairs in the guest bedroom where there is a large blackboard screwed to the chimney breast, we all sat around on little stools and the rules were
1)     You must use a Christmas theme for all words
2)    You must stand up and wave your arms if you think you know the answer
It was unbelievable that every time food words were used I got the answer before we started shouting out letters ha ha ha. Henry grephew amazed us all playing quietly with his rattles and other toys that Santa had left for him. 
After almost 2 hours of this game, we all agreed to break for food before commencing with Killer Darts.   The rules here are
1)    Hit a number with one dart using hand you DON’T write with
2)    Become a killer by hitting landing in this number  with dart by using the hand you DO write with
3)    Each player has five lives
4)    Kill of your opponents five lives by landing in their number throwing darts with hand you do write with
5)    Regain one life only, by landing a dart in your own number at any time before being killed off
Stephen (brother in law) insists that when you’re dead your dead and you shouldn’t be getting any lives back.  However, no sooner was he down to 3 lives than he insisted on regaining one with much hilarity.  Shirley (mother in law) is only very small and she was killed off before she hit the dart board at all (the floor boards took some punishment) and then we all began systematically picking each other off.  In the second game Shirley managed to survive to the last two players, the other being her oldest son (my husband, Billy) and can you believe he did not spare her!! He had to win oh Billy, Billy…… anyway we had the best time and we are all looking forward to Billy and my BBQ in July where we will organise some BBQ tucker trials…….

Happy New Year Everyone and I hope you all have as much fun as we do Chez Bailey!

Friday, 6 December 2013

Bitterness and Other Things

You!  Yes, you who killed our son/brother, with your Honda Civic car.

Do you still have restless nights, thinking about how you mowed him down and then fled the country for a year?  Do you wake up suddenly believing him to be still here on earth?

Do you still get depressed, miserable and cry longing for it never to have happened?

Do you throw money at your misery trying to cheer yourself up, missing him, wanting to buy him a Christmas gift, a Birthday gift a gift for the hell of it?

Wonder what size shoes he would wear, would he have grown past five feet two inches?

Do you sweat and have panic attacks, suffer from remorse, pray for forgiveness?

Why, why did you never come and say you were sorry, for the pain and loss we still bear and shall do so for the rest of our days?

forget me not

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Unfair to girls with big boobs, bosoms. breasts mammaries, bristols or whatever you want to call them

I went to treat myself to some sexy new bras today and I was NOT impressed to discover that ladies who are well endowed in the bosom area are penalised for it in the current promotion.  

 Apparently, the lingerie department contains 3 sections
  1.  for ladies who are less well endowed than a DD cup
  2.  for the above but the bra comes with matching briefs
  3. for ladies DD to F cup (G and GG cups can be found online)

So, the promotion to buy the matching set and get the briefs free is only available to number 1 above.

Number 3 has less choice of bras and they all come with matching briefs but you have to pay the full price for both, this is so very unfair.  The bras are more expensive for the larger sizes and I cannot imagine any woman squeezing herself into a much smaller size to get the briefs for free can you?

Because GET THIS the briefs that are free in the smaller size, also come in sizes that fit the larger breasted woman.  What’s that all about then?? Why are smaller breasted women getting free briefs the same size as the briefs DD + cup size woman wears this stinks and it needs to be addressed quickly.

On speaking to the Deputy Store Manager she told us when they set out the promotion it never occurred to them that they are also selling matching bra and briefs in DD + sizes and she will now bring it to the attention of the Head Office and next week she will get back to me.   I have asked for a goodwill gesture of a pair of briefs in my size to match one of the very perfect fitting bra’s I bought. 

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Don't Mind Me

When you still have a client in the office at the end of the day and your male colleague approaches you with his coat and scarf on and his man bag slung over his shoulder, and says "You don't mind stopping do you?" 

"You have your coat on, I don't have much choice do I?"  was my response.

"Do you want to fight about it?"  he asked me.

"There's no point, you have your coat on" was my response, and I let him have the last word when he made a comment I didn't quite catch as he walked away, knowing he was talking to a deaf person.

To say I was p***ed is an understatement, I don't mind working late, after all we do get paid for every extra minute, but I don't like getting Hobson's choice and I don't like people walking away when they are talking to me either - how RUDE

Saturday, 9 November 2013

How to get Compensation from Airlines who will not pay!

In February we were 36 hours late  home from our holiday in Goa because the pilot refused to fly the plane (after the first lot of passengers were on board too).  

Three hundred people should have boarded the plane at 2.00 am but half an hour after the first passengers boarded they got off the plane and no one told us why or what was happening. 

At  4.00 am we were informed there was a problem but not told anything else.  

At 5.30 am a representative from Thomas Cook arrived in the departures lounge to inform us that coaches would be arriving to take us to hotels until the plane was ready to fly, he didn't say when but did say that a part was needed for the plane and it was being flown in as some point.

At 6.00 am we were still waiting for the coaches.

At 6.30 am the first of the coaches arrived and we all had to go to arrivals and collect our baggage from the plane to take with us to the hotel.  By this time tempers were starting to fray and people were becoming cross and argumentative. we had been up for more than 24 hours and should have actually been halfway home by now.

At 7.30 am some of us were still waiting for our coach and when it finally arrived at 8.00 am there wasn't enough room on it for all of us so Me and Billy ended up waiting with others for another half hour for a coach.

We arrived at our hotel at 9.00 am and in the reception area we were handed letters for us to give to our insurance company's when we eventually got home.

We checked into the hotel and went for some breakfast in the restaurant and immediately followed breakfast by going to be and having a bloody good sleep.  Suffice to say later in the afternoon we left the hotel with our baggage and managed to get to the airport and fly home without a hitch..........  However, on arriving at home we had extra car parking to pay and were unable to go to work (we had telephoned from India to let them know) but this meant loss of earnings.  In view of this we contacted the travel insurance company and sent in the necessary paperwork.   We received a refund for the car parking fees but were informed that they would not be paying loss of earnings, no point in arguing with them I said, so we left it.

In May. there was a program on BBC1 about Airlines failing to compensate passengers and it made me ask Google if it was too late for us to be compensated.   Google returned with a website called, I checked that it was a legitimate company and discovered that it is, so we filled in the form and supplied the documentation (scanned) requested for Skymediator to assess the claim.  Imagine our happiness when we were informed that YES, we had a claim.

Thomas Cook denied the claim so Skymediator passed the claim on to their legal team and we signed the required forms giving permission for the claim to go to court, Skymediator  take 25% of the compensation and do NOT charge for ANY services at all.

Skymediator will tell you straight if you are not entitled to compensation and why not. Skymediator is a global company anyone can use them and they give out loads of info on wrong doings by airlines.  Did you know that if you are put on standby and you are late getting to your destination you can claim compensation??? Visit and learn more about how you get ripped off by airlines.


Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Thieving B****rds

Got a text message from our credit card company at 8.00 am UK time today, ring us as a matter of urgency! Aaargh I don't finish work until 3.00 pm so I can't do it, I know I'll get Billy to ring them.   So I forward him the text message and later on my lunch break I read his response.   It said, they won't talk to me as you are the main person on the account.   It beggars belief. It is a joint account, we live at the same address and sleep in the same bed but hey we cannot talk to you about your family finances Mr Bailey.

When I got home I called the bank and low and behold yet again I had to tell them that I am deaf and can they speak a bit slower for me and while we are at it why have you not updated our account details with my request that you speak to my husband because I struggle to hear correctly?  Oh we will look into that (again) then I give the wrong security number to the woman, not once but three times because I heard her wrong when she asked for them, to cap it all when asking my security question who would I most like to meet? David Beckham...wrong, Usain Bolt...wrong. Alex Ferguson...wrong and it wasn't Al Pacino either and I am locked out of my online bank account.

So, I had to wait ten minutes to receive a text message from customer services, giving me a new security number to enable me to reset my account security and then ring customer services back. answer some questions and get put through to security to be informed that somebody has used our credit card to top up not one but two O2 pay as you go phones with £10 each, then the cheeky b****rds tried to spend £2,500 at Strawberry, what is this company, anyone?? And then over £1,000 at either Hotel USA or a hotel in the USA (still deaf).  Great news is that the credit card has been cancelled and two new ones on the way and none of the transactions were honoured, so just awaiting confirmation from O2 that we will not be charged for the two top ups.

Thank you for such a great service Tesco Credit Card we will stick with you and we hope the Fraud Squad catch the beggars.  We just hope it wasn't someone at Ikea where we last used the card.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013


A new family moved into our Street and we just knew straight away there would be trouble, How?  When they came knocking on our front door demanding my husband move his car from outside their house.  They What? I asked him, you didn't move it did you?   Not at first he told me, there was a bit of an argument and the bloke said he had to part right outside as he has a bad heart. A bad heart, I found this hilarious as his heart wasn't too bad for a humdinger of a row or too bad for him to be driving but it is too bad for him to carry the shopping a few yards up the street to his door, just like the rest of the people on the street.  Our street is used by hundreds of outsiders every week, when they park up to go shopping at what is commonly known as 'Baghdad' (because it resembles market places in India and Pakistan)

A few days later when I was under attack for parking near his house I told him, it is a public road and nobody has the RIGHT to park in a specific spot and having lived here for over twenty years without a priority parking space I don't think he qualifies for one either.  

The next day I couldn't believe my eyes when I came home from work and saw that he had painted a white box round his car and painted 'No Parking' inside the box.  I knocked on his door and told him he cannot do this. he informed me that he pays his council tax, this made me laugh as council tax does NOT give you the right to a parking place.  I told the guy, you have the same housing association as I have and I am going to contact them and report you. You are bullying the neighbours and throwing your weight around and you haven't even been living here five minutes.  Most of us have been here for years and we accept that we park where we can if you have a bad heart the council will give you an official Disabled Parking Bay for your car.

Suffice to say that he ignored me but a few weeks later his 'parking space' was painted out in black and he now parks where he can.  I believe he picked on the wrong person when he bullied a pregnant girl who was  visiting her Aunt, I believe the Aunt reported him and he was given strict orders to remove the offending No Parking' box.  NB we are still awaiting his official disabled parking spot from the council.......

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Nice Man to Football Fan

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Nice Man to Football Fan: I'm sitting here writing this while my husband is watching his team, Man Utd, being shown how it's done on the TV.  The change in hi...

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Nice Man to Football Fan

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Nice Man to Football Fan: I'm sitting here writing this while my husband is watching his team, Man Utd, being shown how it's done on the TV.  The change in hi...

Nice Man to Football Fan

I'm sitting here writing this while my husband is watching his team, Man Utd, being shown how it's done on the TV.  The change in his personality is unbelievable, his language, waving his arms all over the show and yelling obscenities at the screen, he doesn't look anything like the chap I married all those years ago and he most certainly doesn't sound like him, he's like a raving lunatic.

He curses the ref and the ref gets most of the blame for the poor show the team put on, Nani gets a fair bit of blame along with Moyes and the defence. 

Today the game is on a Greek channel so the sound is off, thus affording me a little extra battery power for my hearing aids on account of the shouting and display of misery and contempt for his team being less loud or vehement as it would be with the sound on in English.

Hubby did stop to break into a grin when Van Persie deigned to outfox the goalie and hit the nylon to equalise one goal each but sadly the grin was wiped off mere minutes later when Stoke scored a second goal.

What amazes me is the speed with which my darling husband puts it all behind him as soon as the whistle blows at full time. It is so uncanny it beggars belief.  From ranting mad man to laid back and not a care in the world with just one blow of the whistle, he just gets up and starts to make the dinner and a cup of tea for me as I lounge on the sofa reading my book now it's all over, at least until the next match kicks .  Just like it never happened.

Thursday, 24 October 2013


I don't believe it, I am so angry......    I just went to the Flu clinic to get my annual flu jab and I got turned away by the receptionist.  Who the hell do these receptionists think they are?

"Are you entitled to the flu jab?". she asked me 

"yes, I am I have had 3 strokes", says I

"Is your reason for having a flu vaccine listed on this sheet?" she asks

"No it isn't, but I have the jab every year". I tell her

Not this year it seems.  I must go home and ring the doctor up and get verification and come back next time the clinic is open for flu jabs. 

I was seething as I made my way home.  Before taking my coat off I rang the clinic and pressed '3' to speak to a doctor's secretary.  I explained what had happened and gave my date of birth.

"Maxine", she said, "you are entitled to the flu vaccine but you have missed today's appointment".

I said "No, I haven't missed the appointment they just told me I am not entitled to it".  

The secretary says to me, "You must attend tomorrow at 11.15am".

"I can't, I will be at work, I can only go on my day off".  I told her.

And it transpires that now, I must ring the clinic each week until i find out when the next clinic for flu jabs will take place and hope they coincide with my day off.... ffs.  I'll get myself a cup of PG tea with two biscuits, put my feet up and enjoy them while I calm down.

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Edinburgh Treat

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Edinburgh Treat: Billy and I went to Edinburgh at the weekend to meet a recipient of our intrepid son & brother, ten year old Wade's gift of life&quo...

Friday, 18 October 2013

Back Seat Driver

Vee asked me to take her to the shop and I said yes. Hmm what a drive even though it was only a short journey it felt like a very, very long one.

I have lived in the area for over twenty years and I know it quite well thank you very much.  We got in the car and I started the engine and just as I was about to pull out out she told me to go straight ahead and turn right then she told me I needed to turn right at the lights and watch out for the cars coming across from the opposite direction.  

I told her I know what I am doing just let me drive to which she told me I needed to turn in here, so I turned in at the next street after the one she pointed to, where on getting out of the car she told me you can park here, here being on the yellow 'No Parking' lines outside the shops.  I told her I would turn the car around while she went into the shop to buy her milk etc.

I tuned the car around and she came back from the shop with her shopping and I drove to the corner to turn left.  At the corner she told me you can go now I couldn't see the road clearly due to a van parked on the pavement in my line of vision but she said you can go after this car I beeped my horn as a warning when I believed the road was clear and I pulled out as she said 'the car behind beeped at you because you took too long'.  I told her it didn't at all, it was me beeping as a warning to oncoming traffic that I was there.  'Oh', she said, followed by there's two lanes here you need to be on the inside to turn left'. I held my breath for a second before saying 'Vee,  I have been driving these roads for twenty years will you leave me alone. you're a back seat driver',  I had to laugh when she responded with 'I am a good driver'.

It seems she has heard the phrase back seat driver but did not know what it means ha ha ha.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Bloody disgraceful

After a long busy day at work the last thing I want to do is stand up all the way home on the bus, especially when some woman has a seat for her and a seat for her 2 year old daughter.  What happened to common decency and a bit of respect for other people? the child gets on the bus for free and has a whole seat for her tiny little bottom,  I don't think so.  To be honest I did not see the child at first I just saw an empty window seat and waved at the woman to move over and it was only as  I was walking up the bus to the "space" that I saw the child, my jaw dropped in disbelief. it is 5 O'clock in the evening, hundreds of working folks are going home on public transport after a hard day grafting and this woman has got her toddler a whole seat to herself.  The woman looked down at the child and started talking in foreign tongues to her daughter and the child is talking back in a whinging whining voice and after two yes two stops the child agreed to sit on its mother's knee so I could sit down.  Unbelievable it beggars belief.  Then when I sat down I actually said "thank you" to the child and to it's mother.  

When did become unfashionable to have good manners?

Monday, 14 October 2013

Bad Attitude

At test centres all over the world people are taking tests and exams in order to show that they have what it takes to join the profession of their choice.  Personally, i think there should also be a personality and character test too considering some of the bad attitudes of our future Doctors, lawyers, finance sector wannabes and in particularly school teachers.  I really would not like any child I know to be taught by some of these rude. arrogant, bad mannered and obnoxious individuals.

They stand at the reception desk (some of them are backed up by mummy and daddy) they are asked for the ID and the evidence required before taking a test.  Mummy and daddy get all uppity and start shouting the odds, 'what are you talking about we know nothing of this. our little darling doesn't need all this just let him/her in' from cajoling to downright nastiness.  

When you ask a well mannered candidate why they have brought all this ID and evidence with them and they reply 'the email said we have to', it makes you wonder how the other plonkers are equipped to learn never mind teach.

Mother yelling  at the Centre staff "show me where it says that". When you do show where it says you get a very meek "well I never saw that", but no apology and even worse after being shown and told the rules and regulations, they then insist on seeing someone 'higher up' I love these scenes because the someone 'higher up' recites the exact same rules and regulations and no amount of wheedling and whining makes a difference.  Who are these people?

Please National College of Teachers, please vet the character and personality of these wanna be teachers and don't let them get a toe in the door.

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Ffs.......Not my day

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Ffs.......Not my day: The alarm clock didn't go off this morning at 6.15 am and upon inspection I was not surprised as it was set for pm instead of am , lucki...

Friday, 11 October 2013

Ffs.......Not my day

The alarm clock didn't go off this morning at 6.15 am and upon inspection I was not surprised as it was set for pm instead of am, luckily I was only up 10 minutes late so I get ready in a jiffy and with only a half a cup of tea to go I went for the bus.  

when I got to work at 7.15 am I asked Geoff why there was four of us instead of three today and he didn't know, I put the kettle on, showed off my new gorgeous coat (thank you M&S) and Janet spoke to me saying "Maxine, you are on lunch cover today".  I don't believe it, ffs I could have stayed in bed until 10 am, what a plonker - so now I am wide awake I might as well get on with the ironing and free up some time to devote to my beloved husband, Billy over the weekend.   Note to self. don't be late to work at lunchtime!!!

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Edinburgh Treat

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Edinburgh Treat: Billy and I went to Edinburgh at the weekend to meet a recipient of our intrepid son & brother, ten year old Wade's gift of life&quo...

Monday, 7 October 2013

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Edinburgh Treat

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Edinburgh Treat: Billy and I went to Edinburgh at the weekend to meet a recipient of our intrepid son & brother, ten year old Wade's gift of life&quo...

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Edinburgh Treat

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Edinburgh Treat: Billy and I went to Edinburgh at the weekend to meet a recipient of our intrepid son & brother, ten year old Wade's gift of life&quo...

Friday, 4 October 2013

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Edinburgh Treat

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Edinburgh Treat: Billy and I went to Edinburgh at the weekend to meet a recipient of our intrepid son & brother, Wade's gift of life".  13 years...

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Edinburgh Treat

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Edinburgh Treat: Billy and I went to Edinburgh at the weekend to meet a recipient of our intrepid son & brother, Wade's gift of life".  13 years...

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Edinburgh Treat

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Edinburgh Treat: Billy and I went to Edinburgh at the weekend to meet a recipient of our intrepid son & brother, Wade's gift of life".  13 years...

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Edinburgh Treat

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Edinburgh Treat: Billy and I went to Edinburgh at the weekend to meet a recipient of our intrepid son & brother, Wade's gift of life".  13 years...

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Edinburgh Treat

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Edinburgh Treat: Billy and I went to Edinburgh at the weekend to meet a recipient of our intrepid son & brother, Wade's gift of life".  13 years...

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Edinburgh Treat

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Edinburgh Treat: Billy and I went to Edinburgh at the weekend to meet a recipient of our intrepid son & brother, Wade's gift of life".  13 years...

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Edinburgh Treat

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Edinburgh Treat: Billy and I went to Edinburgh at the weekend to meet a recipient of our intrepid son & brother, Wade's gift of life".  13 years...

Edinburgh Treat

Billy and I went to Edinburgh at the weekend to meet a recipient of our intrepid son & brother, ten year old Wade's gift of life".  13 years ago Wade was the victim of a hit and run driver and he became an organ donor.   I was very nervous of meeting Aaron and Cat. (his mother) I really didn't know what to expect but it seems neither did they.  We met in Edinburgh as my choice because it would be a nice weekend away and quality time for me and my beloved husband, Billy as well as an auspicious occasion.

When we met Aaron and Cat. we hit it off straight away and there was no self consciousness on either side. we walked the streets of a beautiful city chatted and laughed and had a great time, Cat treated us all to lunch. (thanks Cat, it was very much appreciated and enjoyed).

We walked and watched some entertainment in the city streets and then with a brand new friendship cemented, went our separate ways with promises to meet up again before Christmas.  It was a weird and wonderful day and I am so pleased to say that Aaron is a lovey young man to be proud of.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Beggars My Ar*e!

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Beggars My Ar*e!: Have you seen these so called "Down & Outs' lying around Piccadilly, Manchester?  they are usually right beside the ATM (cash m...

Monday, 23 September 2013

Beggars My Ar*e!

Have you seen these so called "Down & Outs' lying around Piccadilly, Manchester?  they are usually right beside the ATM (cash machine to us) with a very well groomed dog. a very clean sleeping bag and looking healthier and fresher than us  mortals who spend all day dealing with the public in our line of work. 

Most of these down and outs have paid more for their one trainers than I have paid for five pairs of shoes.  I started work very early today and saw two of these 'poor' buggers buying there breakfast in Greggs sandwich shop, they were ahead of me in the queue.

I bet they quit well paid jobs in the city to earn soo much more on the streets. if only i didn't mind getting a bit wet in the rain or getting a numb bum sitting around all day I might consider joining this bunch of well to do nobs.  How come they can afford to smoke but they can't afford a meal? Beggars my Arse!

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Why do people take the P**S if you're deaf?

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Why do people take the P**S if you're deaf?: I had finished work and was looking forward to getting home, having a nice hot cup of tea and watching the Simpson’s, I just love that show...

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Why do people take ...

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Why do people take ...: Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Why do people take the P**S if you're deaf? : I had finished work and was looking forward to ...

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Why do people take the P**S if you're deaf?

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Why do people take the P**S if you're deaf?: I had finished work and was looking forward to getting home, having a nice hot cup of tea and watching the Simpson’s, I just love that show...

Why do people take the P**S if you're deaf?

I had finished work and was looking forward to getting home, having a nice hot cup of tea and watching the Simpson’s, I just love that show, the only way, in my opinion, to unwind after a hard days graft.  Anyway, I got to the bus stop just before the bus arrived and managed to get my privilege bus pass out of my bag as the bus pulled up.  The driver opened the doors and said “don’t bother with your passes and tickets, just get on and sit down”.  I thought this was a bit odd but I got on and sat down, I was putting my bus pass away when I heard the driver talking and made out the words did you not hear me, something, and something else, just sit down.  Hmm I said to myself, someone is in a mighty hurry, I wonder if he is running late and how will he explain a shortage of money seeing no one is paying either?

The bus took off at a bit of a pace; I jerked in my seat and grabbed the hand rail for safety.  Then as the bus rounded the corner a black woman got up and rang the bell to get off.  The driver shot past the bus stop and the woman said something to him.  The traffic lights were on red and when he stopped the bus he let her get off, they exchanged words but I have no idea what was said, the woman’s body language insinuated that she was not at all impressed.

A few stops later I stood up and rang the bell to get off, because I am deaf I always look at the ‘STOPPING’ sign lighting up to see that the bell has worked.  On this occasion the sign did not light up so I assumed it was broken and stepped forward towards the driver and pressed another bell,  I was too far forward at this point to see the ‘STOPPING’ sign, so I went and stood beside the driver’s cab.

When the bus went straight past my stop I turned to the driver and said “I wanted that stop”.  He said what sounded like "what" so I repeated that I had wanted that stop.  He told me that I should have rung the bell, to which I replied “I did ring the bell and when the stopping sign didn’t light up I came forward and rang a different one”.  He came back with something that sounded like "it didn't ring didn't you notice?" So I told him no because I am Deaf.   And, I cannot believe he actually said to me, "you can hear me"!  I told him I LIP READ.  He then paused for a second before saying “we don’t have anything for deaf people I'm sorry”.

Suffice to say, I didn't get to see the Simpson's as I was busy writing my complaint to the bus company.

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: What the FCuk

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: What the FCuk: Unbelievable, what is the DSA and DVLA playing at authorising driving licences and voiceovers in foreign languages to people who only know ...

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: What the FCuk

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: What the FCuk: Unbelievable, what is the DSA and DVLA playing at authorising driving licences and voiceovers in foreign languages to people who only know ...

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: What the FCuk

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: What the FCuk: Unbelievable, what is the DSA and DVLA playing at authorising driving licences and voiceovers in foreign languages to people who only know ...

What the FCuk

Unbelievable, what is the DSA and DVLA playing at authorising driving licences and voiceovers in foreign languages to people who only know 5 words of English
“Test”, “Name of language to listen to”, and “have I pass”

These people are driving on English roads without a clue what the road signs say never mind what they mean, parking all over the show without a thought for the people who live in the area and honking their horns in sheer rudeness at other drivers to make them reverse or pull over to make way for them.  Where will it stop?  The English speaking should stand up and be counted, I know my singular complaints fall on deaf ears but in greater numbers surely we can be heard.  Sadly this will not happen.  


Friday, 20 September 2013

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: OMG

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: OMG: On the bus I just bashed a geezer with my heavy bag and when I apologised the old git said "it's my pleasure",  he leered at m...

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Not my precious car

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Not my precious car: I'm a bag of nerves tonight. it's MOT day tomorrow and Suzie babe (my faithful Suzuki Swift) has to spend the best part of the day b...

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: I cannot believe that for two years.  We must be v...

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: I cannot believe that for two years.  We must be v...: I cannot believe that for two years.  We must be very special to some guardian angels out there because we have taken the bikes to Blackpoo...

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Our New Bathroom

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Our New Bathroom: Day 1  - Friday 13 July 2012 Collected my mother-in-law, shirley last night so she sit in while the work is under way.  Expecting the work...

Husband's eh?

My husband thinks he's the boss. he said I couldn't have wall art in the garden, I beg to differ so wall in the garden it is... He said no to a sauna in the spare room but I'm working on that and he said no to another cat so what is this? 
 Say hello to Corby, the next best thing.  

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: OMG

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: OMG: On the bus I just bashed a geezer with my heavy bag and when I apologised theld git said "it's my pleasure",  he leered at m...



On the bus I just bashed a geezer with my heavy bag and when I apologised the old git said "it's my pleasure",  he leered at me and said "what an attractive young lady".  What a nice man!

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

White Van Man

At 4.45 pm I had finished work and was walking along Wellington Road for the bus, it was a lovely day.  Suddenly I heard a loud car horn beeping and a white van passed me slowly.  I carried on walking and the van did a u turn ahead of me.  I didn't like the look of this so I decided to cross the road quickly to the bus stop opposite.  While I was crossing the white van approached beeping more.  I thought I’d better take a look as it might be someone I know and I would feel bad.  The van pulled up at the kerb just by the bus stop and looked in the window, a bloke I had never seen before leaned over and opened the door.  He was in his early thirties and wearing work clothes with a company logo on.  He offered to give me a lift.  I politely refused and told him “I don’t even know you”, to which he replied “but you can still have a lift can’t you”.  I told him “No I can’t”, just as the bus pulled up and to be on the safe side I jumped on the bus.  I spent the journey exchanging texts with my sister in law about what had happened and reading some more of Dan Brown’s thriller, Digital Fortress, another riveting read.  When I looked out of the bus window I had no idea where I was which wasn't at all surprising as I had jumped on the wrong bus.  Suffice to say I arrived home half an hour later than usual and if I am honest my self-esteem was properly puffed up,

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Not my precious car

I'm a bag of nerves tonight. it's MOT day tomorrow and Suzie babe (my faithful Suzuki Swift) has to spend the best part of the day being prodded and poked.  This is not the worst part, not by a long chalk.  Four cars back. I took my Ford Fiesta for her MOT and when I went to collect her and find out if she had passed the test, I got the shock of my life when the mechanic told me to take her straight to the scrap yard.  Gasp! Quell horror, you said what, why?" 

Apparently some clever dick had fixed up the car and the engine was only held up with filler. as the car was black it wasn't obvious to the naked novice eye, e.g. Me.  Argh I had only filled her up with diesel the day before. what a waste.  

Well i had no choice did I?  Me and the boys jumped in and drove straight to the scrap yard where I received the princely sum of £75.00 for scrapping my baby Fiesta.  I completed the log book sold section and popped it in the post on the way home, (very conscientious me). Public transport here we come...

Early next morning. Sunday, we were woken up by hammering on the front door and got a shock to see two policemen standing there, I let them in wondering what was amiss and soon found out when i was asked where my Ford Fiesta was. puzzled I told them I had scrapped it the day before.  I was then informed that the car had been used in a ram raid on a shop in Ashton-Under-Lyne. well you can bet your bottom dollar I wasn't driving officer, bloody good job i completed the log book entries for selling the car isn't it. The officers seemed to believe me and left us in peace.  what a relief that was.  However, I am a quivering bag of nerves every year on MOT day.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: I cannot believe that for two years.  We must be v...

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: I cannot believe that for two years.  We must be v...: I cannot believe that for two years.  We must be very special to some guardian angels out there because we have taken the bikes to Blackpoo...

I cannot believe that for two years.  We must be very special to some guardian angels out there because we have taken the bikes to Blackpool. North Wales and various parks and cycle routes without incident, that is until last month, we drove to the "Fallowfield Loop" with the bikes on the back of Billy's car - thankfully,because on the way home the bike rack broke and deposited the bikes in the road, fortunately, it was very quiet and there were no cars around so there wasn't an accident just the two of us in shock  at the sight of our precious bikes lying there in the road, stunned but undamaged surrounded by the remains of the bike rack.  As I said, it's a bloody good job we were in Billy's car because if we had been in mine we wouldn't have gotten the front wheel into my car but Billy huffed and puffed and managed to make both bikes comfortable in his large five door Fiat Brava - my hero -  I certainly didn't fancy pushing the bloody thing all the way home. (I'm not allowed to ride a bike on the roads on account of being deaf). So thank you, guardian angel we will read the instructions in future and be thankful that the road was clear that day.  Question? What is a loop?

In my mind a "loop" is like a circle. it joins up and you should be able to follow it without stopping, however, when you reach the END of the Fallowfield Loop. you turn your bike around and ride it back the way you came, can this be right? 

Sunday, 15 September 2013

My new job. i had ten days to go before starting my new job and the journey had seemed to be quite straightforward when Billy, my husband. drove me to find it, so I decided to drive to work and being such a good hearted chap. Billy sat in the passenger seat and i set up my sat nav aka Stewie (from family guy).  We were chatting away and the journey was running smoothly Stewie was doing a great job and we were just approaching the last roundabout leading to the place of work when Stewie froze and didn't tell me which exit i needed. Being afraid of roundabouts I panicked but Billy talked me through it and we found the workplace,  I, however. was in a bit of a bad shape because the hiccup at the roundabout had unnerved me.  We set Stewie to take us home but he was having none of it so Billy drove home.

The next day we decided to go again, unfortunately. when we reached the roundabout area, there was no roundabout. just road works, apparantly the tram is going through here and the traffic is diverted. stewie was useless and again Billy drove home.  Five times i tried to drive to work and five times the journey went wrong.  The last time I went was with my son, Josh, never again. ever.  I was in the wrong lane when we reached the area where the roundabout should have been. consequently i went up the hill inside of being in the outside lane, the hill led me to the town centre, Stewie was dead and I hadn't a clue so just followed the road.  Big mistake. the road led straight into the bus depot.  I was bordering on the hysterical buses in front and a bus behind me.  Josh was worried about me but patiently guided me back to the main road.  He then said he would guide me home but first we had to stop at a sweet shop so he could feed me chocolate and calm me down. 

We ate the chocolate and Josh promised to get me home without using any roundabouts or motorways.  He was great, this son of mine only needs to go somewhere once and he can find the place again blindfolded.  I followed his directions faithfully and we chatted which helped my nerves until at the traffic lights, he told me we need to turn left here. and the following  hilarious exchange took place.

Josh, "i said to her ok we need to turn left, we indicate, get in lane as the lights change mum says look its no right turn, i sed yeah its ok we are turning left, mum says we cant turn right and speeds straight on, LEFT woman, I said go LEFT! classic response, "oh right" lol i havent laughed so much in days eventually we did turn right, however i will never forget - 'go left, its no right turn, go left, its no right turn".  zoom she drove straight on! never a dull moment