Monday, 23 September 2013

Beggars My Ar*e!

Have you seen these so called "Down & Outs' lying around Piccadilly, Manchester?  they are usually right beside the ATM (cash machine to us) with a very well groomed dog. a very clean sleeping bag and looking healthier and fresher than us  mortals who spend all day dealing with the public in our line of work. 

Most of these down and outs have paid more for their one trainers than I have paid for five pairs of shoes.  I started work very early today and saw two of these 'poor' buggers buying there breakfast in Greggs sandwich shop, they were ahead of me in the queue.

I bet they quit well paid jobs in the city to earn soo much more on the streets. if only i didn't mind getting a bit wet in the rain or getting a numb bum sitting around all day I might consider joining this bunch of well to do nobs.  How come they can afford to smoke but they can't afford a meal? Beggars my Arse!

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