Thursday, 1 May 2014

Dealing with $&%# Cats cra**ing in the garden

I have spent a bloody fortune on plants that have died within weeks of being planted killed by putrid cat s**t.  I bought some roses bushes in the hope that the thorns would scratch the blighters and act as a deterrent but oh NO!! The roses died a gruesome cat s**t death.  I bought a little picket fence and banged some  panel pins in before strategically placing them in the garden, great job you think but after 2 days the pesky cats managed to squeeze one in where there was a too large space.  

Enough is enough my blood is getting to boiling point by now and I am also suffering from lack of flowers in the garden when suddenly, it hit me, a cunning plan took place involving chicken run wire stuff.  We went to the garden centre and bought a roll of the wire stuff and proceeded to cut it up and bending it into an arc shape covered the front garden with it, it is brilliant, we cut out areas for roses and other plants and got a string of bumble bee solar lights which are threaded through the wire and attached to the picket fence we erected and so far we have had a whole week free from cat s**t and in the mornings it smells lovely and fresh around our front door with the added bonus of evenings with the garden being lit up by the bumble bees -shame I didn't think of it sooner.

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