Sunday, 1 March 2015

Colleagues like these!

I hate it when I have nightmares about going to work because some colleagues blow hot and cold and leave me feeling sick with stomach cramps.  This cannot be right, can it?

only the other day a certain colleague was all smiles and cheer when she came to do the tea round.  Than WHAM one hour later she is 'on one', sullen and totally blanking me when I spoke to her and then she spent the rest of the shift behaving like I was invisible.

Another colleague is abrupt, rude or indifferent when you speak to her, flapping her hands at you like you are an annoying fly that she is swatting.

How should one react to this kind of behaviour?  I really don't know, but I do know that I love my job and can't contemplate leaving.

We work with the public so a showdown is unlikely.  When I have used my conflict management to try to resolve the issues I am met with incredulous responses such as "I have an illness and I suffer pain, but it's none of your business and I don't have to tell people".  Err, I beg to differ, what is wrong with telling people you are having a bad day? that is all it takes lady, no need to divulge anything else.  The other response is "I can't be doing with this".    Hello, who do you think you are?

I have a little ditty I sing to myself it goes "you mean nothing to me", repeat as many times as you need....

I also have a saying "Not my circus, Not my clowns".  sadly this does not always do the trick....  It is such a shame I can't tell these people to "Eat my shorts!!!"

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