Tuesday, 20 August 2019

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: What's this all abo...

Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: What's this all abo...: Maxine's BBbitching 'N' Stuff: What's this all about then? : Well, I had yet another one of my weird dreams again last night...

How not to lose the Menaces

I finally finished knitting the Dennis the Menace Jumpers, and we set off for Blackpool.
there's no chance of any of us getting lost and not found,

The jumpers went down a storm, lots of folks admired them and they were even more impressed to learn that I had knitted them all.  I had to do some research after someone asked if we were Freddie Krueger or Dennis the Menace.... I haven't and never will see Nightmare on Elm Street.

Suffice to say, the Menaces had a grand old time and love their trademark jumpers