Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Taking matters into my own hands

Today was the last straw, I live in a one way street you can only approach from one way. and leave by turning left or right, there is a very large NO ENTRY sign at the top of BOTH streets parallel to my street.  Every time I try to go out I am being forced to give way to traffic coming into the street via the NO ENTRIES  Today, i decided "no more" and when a car approached me from the no entry and wanted me to give way so it could pass. I refused to budge, i gesticulated (no rude gestures) and told the driver that the she had come in through a NO ENTRY and should reverse back out and go the proper way, I then folded my arms and waited until she had gone. the traffic behind me couldn't go anywhere so it was no problem.  No sooner had the errant driver disappeared from my view and I had driven to the top of my street and turned left, what did I see? a car turn into the NO ENTRY that was MY exit to the main road, I dropped my window down and told the driver it was a no entry to him and he just moved his car aside for me to pass.  I turned the engine off, secured the car, got out and locked it and made to go home.  A neighbour of mine walked out of the street so I asked him to speak to the 'male' driver of the car that that was waiting for me to move.  My neighbour had a word and the errant driver turned his vehicle round and left the way I wanted to leave. 

 I think I am going to park my car smack in the middle of that road on my next day off and see if anyone begins to take notice of the road signs.....

Can't you read your road signs?

Monday, 3 November 2014

What the....Ffs!!

Unbelievable, I couldn't believe my eyes tonight when I was coming home from work, i was minding my own business walking along the footpath when a car suddenly appeared in front of me. it had come from round the corner, on the FOOTPATH for crying out loud. I waved my hand at the driver and said "it's a footpath" he opened his door and said "WHAT?" so I repeated "it's a FOOTPATH" and the cheeky beggar said, "I left you enough room to walk past".   He then got out of the car and crossed the road to go to a shop.  

And I recalled what was a 'joke' twenty years ago "How do you keep death off the road? Drive on the footpath"  Well it was corny then but my word it coming true.
"Get of the #***%# footpath!"