Thursday, 14 August 2014

UnBelieVable ffs S**t Drivers or What?

For years we have suffered from folks travelling from far and wide and parking in our streets so they can shop at the very cheap priced Asian grocery stores in our village.  Pure night mare, they are damned rude and force us to keep reversing away from our homes so they can go home, they park on the bends and corners so our children are at risk when playing our our going to and from school, they drive at speeds above 20 km in little side streets and don't a fcuk for our environment.  We the residents have no place to park our own cars and to top it off if we do these b'stards damage our cars with their bad and inconsiderate driving.

Well, two weeks ago the council came and made our street ONE WAY, no entry from the main road and no entry from the next street,  and you can believe it is well marked, brand new signage and everything and yet we STILL have the problem, only now we can't get our of our street because it is blocked by idiots mostly with no English speaking or pretending to have no English speaking.  These morons have the cheek to get upset when I stand in the road and hold them up while i give them a lecture on the High Way Code and ask them if they can read and do they know what a give way line is for and what it looks like.  Oh the frustration, it wasn't made any better by the person who damaged my car and cost me money in a respray.  I can't believe that there isn't a traffic cop in the area making a fortune in fines. We are being stripped of all sorts in the name of saving money coz the Government and councils are skint and yet there is a fortune to be made in fines from these people desperate to save a few quid by shopping in our village!

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

The NEW Modern Family

This young man competing in the British Transplant  Games, is Aaron, he was one of the four people lucky enough to receive organs from my son, Wade, in May 2000, he calls me Maxine and refers to me as his "Donor Mum.  It was both a pleasure and a treat to watch him running in the 100m race and he won 2 silver medals before I got to the games and I have to say it was fantastic and I am so pleased he wants to have me in his life.  We are now a Donor family .  In the midst of those who  have received organ donations (Gifts of Life) you will find Donor families cheering the competitors on, for me it was very emotional, knowing that Aaron was 'running like the wind' because Wade made it possible, Wade's life, although cut short,  was NOT wasted he leaves a wonderful legacy and will never, ever be forgotten - Just thought I would share this!
Dave Says "I think this could be a draw!"