Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Bribery & Blackmail

What kind of person uses "just think about what you''ll get in my will" or "I'll kill myself and it will be your fault" to try and make you do something? 
There are some sick b*****ds out there and my response to both of those emotional blackmails is "Shame on you" and "Go on then knock yourself out".

If you have to use blackmail and bribery to get somebody to do something isn't your brain screaming at you that something is dreadfully wrong?  What is WRONG with YOU? Get your act together go hide under a bush until you come to your senses if necessary.

Only an idiot would do something in the hope that they will get something in the 'Will' i can just imagine your face when the solicitor reads the 'Will' out and you hear him say to so and so I leave you my fancy toilet roll holder!  What a mug!!!  What if you die first? you'll never know what you might have inherited. 

if you really want me to do something so badly that you have to resort to emotional blackmail and empty promises - just offer to pay me to do the deed, if the price is right and the deed is above board then I will seriously consider it.

Blackmail of any kind doesn't wash with me if you're going to kill yourself it's your problem and It won't affect me at all and if you use the "Will" bribe i will be laughing too hard at the prospect of a lace toilet roll holder or used bedpan kind of bequest to answer in which case you can assume it is a "No thank you very much and I will be on my way now".

Monday, 14 July 2014

A bit of Competition

It was that time again on Saturday, yes the Annual Family &  Friends BBQ with fun and games.  This year it was the 3 legged stool competition. We got into groups with a ton of old newspapers and goodness knows how many rolls of selotape and we had to make a sturdy 3 legged stool.  When the stools were finished they were lined up and 2 lightweight lasses (a cousin and a niece) had the job of sitting on the stools to see which was the strongest and didn't collapse, thus deciding on a winner. 

What a lot of fun it was everybody joined in and indeed each group was focussed on winning the trophy.  No two stools looked alike they were all shapes and sizes and it must have taken about 45 minutes to make them.  The fact that everybody no matter how old or infirm could take part made it more enjoyable but being on the winning team was a big fat bonus and next year we are going to have "The Lilo Challenge" I might have to lose a bit of weight for that one ha ha ha
Some of the contenders with their entries (me between the two fellas)